Art of Banksy

Internationally known, identity unknown, the artist Banksy has been creating controversy on the walls of the world, both inside and out, for over 20 years. Banksy started out as an illegal graffiti artist in Bristol. Within the space of a decade the artist was self-staging some of the most left-field, anarchic, press worthy, politically motivated, and publicly engaging exhibitions that have ever been seen in the UK and abroad.

The origins of Banksy’s popularity without question came from the illegal artworks he produced on the streets. Banksy’s distinctive stencil aesthetic combined with satirical and humorous subject matters proved a memorable combination for passers-by.

„The Art of Banksy“ exhibition consists of some of the finest privately-owned artworks from the artist’s career. The pieces on display were originally purchased by individuals from Banksy himself. The common thread that links these works, is that their owners want to share them with the public as opposed to the works gathering dust in their house or storage. They believe they should be seen.

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