“The conspiracy is the mother of all treason. It turns the honorable concept of the oath into a conspiratorial fraternization that sows discord, causes misfortune and seeks to plunge the existing into ruin.” (68elf e.V. Cologne) The two works Corona Conspiracy and Stolen Election / Capitol Occupation will be shown in the exhibition in spring 2022 !!! CONSPIRACY !!! des 68elf e.V. Cologne in the Culture Bunker Ehrenfeld.
The digital collage Corona Conspiracy addresses the various conspiracy myths in connection with Covid 19, both related to the existence of the virus, the origin of the virus via conspiracy myths that the state can influence society through the measures taken, to conspiracy myths that Bill Gates, who wants to exterminate the world’s population.
The digital collage Stolen Election / Capitol Occupation thematizes the conspiracy in connection with the 2021 presidential election in the USA, from the QAnon conspiracy theses to the conspiracy myths of the stolen election and the demagoguery of the elected last president, which then led to the occupation of the Capitol.