More works can be found under the individual categories.
In the digital collages, the various elements are reassigned, connected in a creative way and brought into interaction with one another. The images used in the collages are often the result of a symbiosis of photography and digital painting.
In digital post-photographic processes, photographic works are processed digitally in such a way that the basic photography can only be recognized in fragments after the process.
In abstract photography, the meaning of a subject is no longer essential. Abstract photography allows to immerse uncompromisingly in the interplay of forms, structures, contrasts and colors.
Event Photography …
From the right perspective, landscape photography always offers magical moments.
Nature always offers exciting situations and compositions of structures, colors and contrasts on a small scale. The works range from flying dragonflies to the saturated mosquito on the head of a frog to the structures of morbid tulips.
Authentic Shots of people, as natural as possible in their respective specific environment and nature and focucing on authenticity are always exciting.
Less is sometimes more. Black and white photography requires a reduction to the essentials and thus has a very special fascination.